About Metaphoric Physiology

About Metaphoric Physiology

Cell merging with another one. To receptors reaching out into the cell’s milieu, drawn in the asphalt in front of my home.

What chases me to pick a topic of this kind? Since many years I wanted to do some work that gives an insight into the body’s principle rules of function. Actually, until today I never exactly knew how to tackle this matter. I knew that I had to find an avenue that left the beaten path of textbooks. Easy said but difficult to realize. It took me quite I while to comprehend that I have to see the body and the world as such as multi-directional connected. This meant that I had and have to focus on the relations between and among the things, parts, pieces, elements – one name it –  the body and the world are composed of, and that I had to look at the direction of the relation at a certain moment in time. I had to introduce myself as an observer who is actively influencing the directivity of the relation. And I couldn’t leave time aside which is so often the case in biology.

In this process of learning I finally began to understand that function follows form, that matter per se is less important than its shape that emerged due to its relation with another matter. That I think applies to the macro- as well as to the microcosm, whereas it is far easier for us to accept this proposition for the world beyond the reach of our eyes.

In this section of my BLOG I want to let the body evolve as a network of relations using pictures that transgress the conventions of seeing, in this case physiology, and I want to take the describing words as pure words and not as representation of a reality we cannot see and will therefore always remain metaphoric anyway.

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